For the past 2 years, 5 months and twenty-something days, I've faced a
dilemma: how to easily, and stylishly, transport all my gear and the gear required to manage Charlie (and now Elliot) while we are out and about.
I've gone through many, many bags these past 2+ years. And in the process, a major paradigm shift has
occurred. But before I explain, here is a brief history of my experience with The Diaper Bag.
First bag: precious hand-made monogrammed deal, given to us by a dear friend of the family. Was the perfect size for Charlie's gear but not large enough for my things (mercifully - otherwise I def. would have fallen into the trap I've always wanted to avoid: using a diaper bag as a purse). Pretty sure this is a
fashion DON'T. I ended up carrying around my own bag + this one. We still own it - a treasured keepsake!
Bag #2: Vera Bradley Chelsea Green Baby Bag. This bag was HUGE. Way too big for a baby, esp. one who never took a bottle. We only used this bag on a few
occasions, mostly on long day or overnight trips.
Bag #3: Standard Stephen Joseph Back Pack with the monkeys. Very unoriginal but quite functional. We used this bag from Charlie's first birthday through today. We still take it to church and other places where Charlie needs supplies like crayons and extra clothes in addition to one diaper and a few wipes.
Bag #4: Tacky
Thomas the Train backpack. Not
WASPy at all. We only used this one a few times, mostly at Charlie's old school in Augusta.
Bag #5: Enter Elliot. In deciding what to use for Elliot, I went through three different bags:
Petunia Picklebottom Nightfall in Madrid Shoulder Bag:
waaaayyy to big. Sold on
- Vera Bradley Yellow Bird Messenger: Not diaper-
bagish at all. Big enough for my stuff + the babies' gear. Sold it on
ebay after receiving the next bag as a gift (just couldn't justify it after getting a bag for free).
- Monogrammed
Toile Bag received as a baby gift. Very
WASPy and cute. Still in circulation.
But now, I've pretty much decided that I am no longer "into" diaper bags. I haven't really carried on all summer, unless we're going out for an entire day or something. They take up too much space, too much arm room and are, let's face it, just a little too
MOM for my liking. Instead, I'm a fan of the huge totes that everyone seems to be lugging around right now. Although unlike all the teenagers out there, I actually have enough stuff to fill it up. I've used this bag all summer -

purchased from Wet Seal in early May (going into Wet Seal with my massive double stroller is another post) and have used it literally ever day since. I carry everything in this bag including but not limited to:
- Extra clothes for Elliot (usually just a onesie)
- Several diapers in two different sizes
- Burp rags
- Wipes
- Small trash bags for um, emergencies
- Sippy cup
- Snacks for me and Charlie
- My water bottle
- Makeup bag
- Phone
- Wallet
- Hand sanitizer
- Paint & fabric swatches
- Measuring tape
- Tide to Go
- Vera Bradley planner
- And on Sundays: Bible, notebook, Screwtape Letters (for Sunday School)
This bag has been a trouper and sadly, the pleather is starting to rip and tear, as is the inside pocket (I lost my lipstick last week and found it inside the liner of the bag, between the lining and the pleather. Thankfully, I was able to fish it out. Whew). It's time to make a trip to the mall and scour Charlotte Russe, Wet Seal and Forever 21 for my Fall bag.
So for me, Down with the Diaper Bag. I'm much more stylish and look much less like a pack mule. It's a Win-Win situation. Try it, you'll never go back.