
A single picture...

...to wet your appetite...


Anonymous said...

What a precious little boy. I can't wait to see him again. Suposedly we also have a blog but Nick posts the pictures and I am not sure how to use it. Nor do I have the energy to try and say anything clever about my life on a weekly, much less daily, basis. But I am going to love visiting yours and will comment when my children are sleeping. We love you guys! I have a little something to send to you to commemorate Charlie's entrance into the world but can't seem to find any packing tape...and so goes the story of my life :)

ejm said...

Kara! Is this you? Why does it say you are anonymous? And by the way, have you seen the new Covenant website? It's crazy! It's like a big blog for Covenant. And wouldn't you know it, Austina has scanned and posted the Culture Box on the history major site!