
November in pictures

This is a picture of my Puffed Apple Pancake, created for brunch in honor of Ryan's parents visit to Augusta in early November. Taken from one of my Junior League of Savannah cookbooks, this recipe was DELICIOUS! (Jill - very WASPy, I know). Ignore the ugly blue salt shaker the the nasty dog toy under the table. :)

Janelle and her new husband, amid a sea of bubbles!

Fast-forward to Thanksgiving - Rachel, Megan and I ran the Turkey Day Ten Can run in Savannah. It was only a 5k but it helped me accomplish half of one of my '05 New Year's Resolutions!

Charlie with Aunt Caroline (my 15-yr old sister) and my cousin Grace

Charlie with his great-grandfather, my Papa.

Isn't his bib cute? :)

OK, you don't have to eat more Turkey!

And finally, a few shots of our half-decorated home. The rest of the decorating will be done this week-end, including the purchase and set up of the tree (at which time the presents will be removed from the hearth and put in their proper place).


Anonymous said...

Those are all terrific pictures. Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving.
I can't believe you have all of those decorations up already!

WASPy Girl said...

Looks like those toile placemats that you bought at that apple festival years ago have served you well!