
I bit the bullet

and bought a treadmill. I am so excited and yet I cannot believe that I spent so much money at one time! Thank goodness for free shipping and payment plans. :) I do consider this to be a good investment, considering we spent almost twice the cost of the treadmill on our Omni Health and Fitness Club membership last year.

I spent several days last week-when I should have been working, cleaning or doing laundry-researching online and I finally settled on the ProForm line of treadmills. I chose this line mainly because of the free shipping and the "hot summer sales event" which gave me several options under $1,000. After changing my mind several times, I decided on the ProForm Crosswalk Caliber Elite which "is more than just a treadmill" as it also has the Crosswalk Upperbody Arms feature, supposedly providing an optional upper-body workout. A built-in fan, well-lit console (??), iFIT® 8-Week Weight Loss Program (??) and a 300-lb weight limit make this THE perfect treadmill for me. :O) It will arrive within 2 weeks (no wonder shipping is free).

Now all I have to do is decide where to put it. The garage is not really an option, since I won't be able to run until the afternoon after I've finished my work day. I think I might die if I ran in my garage in Augusta, GA in the afternoon heat. And I'm not exaggerating. The master bedroom is an option, albeit not a good one since it really has the best furniture we own (besides the coffee table from Walmart, of course) and a treadmill would most certainly spoil my decor. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Do you have a guest bedroom? Then you could just move the treadmill if a guest comes to visit but you wouldn't have to keep it in the master...though I think having a treadmill in the master is pretty common if you end up going with that. Definitely do NOT put it in the garage- besides- it needs to be in front of a tv, right? :)

ejm said...

absolutely! i NEED it to be in front of the tv. :) the guest room is unfortunately my office. we were hoping for a 4 bedroom house but alas, all we have are 3.

Anonymous said...

Ooo, I'm jealous! Although, I wish I was more of a treadmill-er. I get bored too easily :) So it's 6am swims at our gym for me these days. Ugh. Hope you find the perfect spot for it!

WASPy Girl said...

Tyke wants to go on the treadmill.