
Menu planning Tuesdays

Awhile back, I was feeling very overwhelmed and decided to take a step back from menus, cooking and other things. So I've spent the past few weeks thinking and planning, working on our daily schedules and routines and ironing out a new household maintenance schedule (more on that later). I think I'm finally climbing out of the "I'm-so-overwhelmed-hole" and am ready to jump back into cooking (not to mention the fact that Sarah gave me and a few of my recipes a shout-out on her blog).

Another big factor in my decision to get back into the kitchen is that we signed up for an every-other-week delivery of fresh fruits and veggies from Heritage Organic Farm. Today I picked up my first box (pictured above) of fresh, organic produce and couldn't wait to look through it and work on our menu for the week. A real pie pumpkin, apples, grapefruit, pears, a whole pineapple, an avocado, carrots, onions and eggplant were included in this week's box.

But my new schedule doesn't have me menu planning on Mondays anymore - it's now a Tuesday task. So: enter Menu-Planning Tuesdays!

So here is what we are going to be eating for dinner this next week:
Cheese Tortellini in lite broth with Parmesan Crisps (Thanks Sarah!)

Eggplant Parmesan, garlic bread -- something I've been wanting to try for awhile since I'm almost a vegetarian but was never inspired enough to actually buy an eggplant!

Black bean soup, cornbread

Cranberry Chicken (recipe similar to this one, but no french dressing), rice, okra & tomatoes

Lentil Soup, pita chips


PS - Go Vote!


Sarahbeth said...

OH MY GOSH EMILY I'M SO JEALOUS right now! I've been toying with the Heritage Farms idea for a couple of months now, and have decided that as soon as I get my grocery budget under control, I WILL be getting a box from either them or the Savannah co-op (www.savannahcoop.com). I ate a little from the co-op box and it was yummmmmy.

WASPy Girl said...

I tried the black bean soup a while back, and it was excellent.

Someday, we hope to sign up for a local farming co-op as well. You pay $400 for the season and you can get whatever you want.

What's up with Georgia now being classified as a swing state?

Candace Piepgrass said...

No Chili tonight for the election returns? That's what I'm making remembering the 2004 election in your apartment in Charlottesville :) I wish you were here.

Janelle said...

What a great idea about shipping your veggies in! I think so in the box- going here, there, and yonder to get something healthy.

Anonymous said...

yummy! Wyatt had so much fun playing with everyone last night! He loves his friend elliot :)

Joy said...

please link to the black bean soup recipe...love those BBs.