Elliot was going to be Superman like Charlie was when he was a baby but last week Charlie said, "Elliot be a train." So I scored a costume for E online. Anyway, this Topham costume was so fun to put together. I bought a Size 3T tux from a kids consignment store. It had a black vest and bow-tie so I had to get creative: I sewed yellow felt to the front of the vest and made a black tie and some tails for the jacket with some fabric remnants. Charlie had fun watching me sew and could hardly wait until I was finished.
And adding to the fun, this year we had a neighborhood party at our clubhouse so the kids were able to wear their costumes last night. It's nice to get some mileage out of the costumes...and I'm happy to have a distraction from the election intensity of the past week.
Please comment with a link to your cute kiddos and their costumes...would love to see all of them!
Very crafty and oh so cute! You are really creative. We should go into business together.
I will say, Emily, this is just about the cutest pair of brothers I've ever seen. Major "Mom of the Year" points for you on being creative with the costumes. Can't wait to see them in person at Fun Night tomorrow at church. Samuel will be a little lion...hand-me-down costume, so no creative points for me. Ha! Ha!
SO cute Em!
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