So we're in Savannah...I'm typing from my sister's computer. Ryan has been working all week-end and tomorrow we head to Daytona Beach for a week in the sun and sand with Ryan's parents at their timeshare. We stayed with them at their place at the
Tropic Shores resort last year and had a blast. After a long week-end of me taking care of Charlie solo and Ryan working, we're ready for some fun...and good food! Hopefully my camera will come through and I'll have some good pictures when I return!!
Em, have a great time at the beach! You guys deserve some much needed rest.
Hey there...I haven't checked your blog in a while...and boy has a lot changed for you! It has been fun to read through your last few posts and catch up! Congratulations on the new bebe and the job change! What good timing...a new baby on the way and a move to a place with some free babysitting! So happy for you guys.
Hey! I guess if I start getting strange calls to my number, I'll ask you to delete this, but it's 844-2759. Yay! Can't wait for our play date! :)
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