I downloaded 133 pictures from our camera, dating all the way to December 2004 when the camera joined our family, a Christmas gift from me to Ryan. So in honor of this momentous occasion, I decided to post a few random pictures from our lives in the past 2 years. Enjoy! :)

And the 3 sisters on the same day,
a few hours and cups of coffee later

(the matching PJs were a Christmas gift from me - I'm starting a new tradition). :)
And below is our precious first child, Tyke, also on Christmas sporting his Christmas bandana. The other dog in the picture is O'Dell, an English bulldog purchased for $1500 (!!!!!!!!!!!!) by Anna and David and several months later resold for $1200 (!!!) because David was allergic to him. They were really sad to see him go so they...got pregnant with Tyson!
And Hunter - the baby of the Boatright clan. He's sleepily cheesing it up for the camera along with one of the Boatright Shelties, Mac.
Ahhh, don't miss those Charlottesville winters. Here's Tyke playing in the snow.
One cool thing we got to do quite often while in VA was go to D.C. On this particular (cold!) occasion, we went to attend the inauguration! We drove up with our friends Josh and Jill (now Mr. and Mrs. Hummer), attended the inauguration, ate at the Cheesecake Factory and drove home. Very fun day!

Fast-forward to April '05 - me in our new house shortly after we made the offer to buy. I'm scoping out my new office and telling them where I want the cable hook-up and the phone jack. And our

In early July, about a month or so before we found out Charlie was on the way, we added another canine to our family, Scooby.

And one more for today - Charlie >1 day old....

Those are great, Em!
And so funny that you've had the camera this long and are just now downloading pictures.
I just read your other post about "doing it all."
I feel you, girl. Working and mothering are very very hard to juggle. Please don't be too hard on yourself.
'course you already got some incredible advice, but I've always seen you as a very disciplined, put-together person, and motherhood just puts a huge wrench into all of that. It's something I'm constantly coming to terms with too. (Which you probably know if you're keeping up with my blog, too.)
Give me a call next time you're in Savannah- we definitely should get together for a latte!
I love the pics! Esp the one of Charlie and Tyke. Hey, a little bit of deja vu...We went to a young couple's get together at church yesterday and NOBODY talked to us. It's just like freaking GAP all freaking over again...Only I'm not a single girl and I wasn't being purposefully excluded by other single girls for husband-hunting purposes! Bah!
Still LoL re Glenn's comment re Patrick LaRochelle.
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