We wanted to get Charlie's picture taken with the Easter bunny but unfortunately, he really didn't care too much for him. He cried and screamed when we tried to make him sit on his lap. So Ryan decided to pose with him instead. :)
Elliot was the warmest Moody of all, cuddled in his car seat with tons of clothing and blankets. I don't think he even knew it was cold!
We took some pictures of Elliot in his cute Easter outfit when we got home, since he never made it out of his car seat while we were out. And this is fun - this outfit actually belonged to my little brother Hunter! As you can see, he barely woke up for the pictures!
Hopefully my camera will be resurrected soon or we'll have to bite the bullet and buy a new one...I have a feeling that we might be asking for recommendations on cameras in the near future...
Last night I had my first experience in being up during the night with two children. And it was everything that I thought it would be! Just kidding, it wasn't that bad. It was about 4am and I had just put Elliot down after his feeding and as I was drifting off to sleep, which always takes awhile, I heard Charlie in the monitor: "Mommy!" I asked for volunteers to go check on him but Ryan wasn't interested :) so I went in. A new diaper, some juice and "purple mesin" (children's ibuprofin) and a few minutes of rocking later, I was back in bed, more wide awake than ever. I finally went back to sleep around 5:30. So needless to say, this was a pajama day for sure. Charlie and I played and watched Thomas the Train in bed until about 10:30. And you know what? We had fun.
Here's hoping for a less eventful night!
I was up with you last night. We think Caroline is teething so she wasn't a happy camper. When she woke up at 7:00AM this morning I looked at Stephen and said, YOUR TURN!! I fed her and then he took her until he left for work at 9:00AM!! Yeah for the extra sleep!!!
Oh and Elliot is adorable, he looks just like you.
Elliot is beginning to look more like Ryan, but still a lot like you. He's precious!
Where was the Easter egg hunt?
Ethan gets to try his hand at finding eggs in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited, but he is becoming all boy these days. I feel sorry for the eggs and the destruction that is in their future.
Hope you have your camera up and running in time for Charlie's b-day! I want to see that kid eat some cake!
Unfortunately, I don't have any kid stories to share myself, but I love reading yours :) It was so fun to visit the Moody's when I was down in GA. I am sorry Charlie ended up getting sick, but at least I can be pretty sure I wasn't the culprit! Everyone looked cute in their Easter outfits. Much love!
Get that boy some Camo!
Great pictures! The Ryan one is quite typical, I think. :)
And I'm so glad we finally got to meet little Elliot on Sunday.
Hope you're getting more sleep now.
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