As usual things have been non-stop around here, as evidenced by my lack of postings! In addition to multiple outfit and diaper changes per day, we've been busy (trying) to keep our house clean for constant open houses and last-minute showings. We did have a quiet week-end at home last week-end, celebrating Easter with us just our little family. We enjoyed a yummy lunch at Cracker Barrel (!!) and then coerced a friend to come take our picture on our back porch. We figured something should document Elliot's first Easter, right? :) The task of getting all four us smiling and looking at the camera at the same time turned out to be Herculean and this was the best picture of all the many taken that afternoon...
Oh well, it will have to do. At least Charlie isn't running away like he was in all the other shots. I'm not just holding his hand in the picture - it's really a death-grip to keep him still!
We enjoyed another egg hunt on Saturday and this time charlie was obsessed with rather than afraid of the "Easter Rabbit." Of course he was - we weren't paying for his picture to be taken this time! 
In other news, Charlie's second birthday was last week and he loved every minute of it. I took cookies to "school" on his real birthday and we had a friend party for him the day after (last Thursday). He was very into the whole birthday thing, especially the presents, birthday cake and attention. Unfortunately I only have a few pictures because my camera was not cooperating and I'm trying to figure out how to get the other pictures from Shutterfly.
The cupcake tree, with Thomas the Train pics for decorations.
The big one on top was Charlie's!
Charlie "helping" Ryan grill the hamburgers and hotdogs.
I can't believe my little baby is two years old! Though Year 2 looks like it is going to be very challenging in the parenting department, we've really never enjoyed our boy more...he says the cutest things and as wild and as dangerous to himself and others as he is, he is definitely the joy of our hearts and lives!
Both kiddos are asleep so I'm off to take a nap. Charlie slept through the night the day before he turned 6 weeks old ( and has woken up during the night maybe 10 times total since then, including the 3 times he had the stomach virus) and I'm not optimistic that Elliot is going to follow suit. His 6-week birthday is tomorrow and he's pretty addicted to his 3:30am feeding, making naps for me a necessity!
I loved the pictures!!! Hang in there with Elliot, I'm sure he will sleep through the night soon. Caroline didn't really drop the 3:00AM feeding until 7 weeks so I am sure your time is coming. Until then get as much rest in the afternoon as you can. You look great!!!
Mmmm...I like the cupcake tree...and your Easter dress. It was 30 degrees here on Easter morning, so I wore a sweater...but that did not stop many crazy ladies from wearing sundresses and sandals.
I second the comment on your fabulous pink dress.
Oh- and I've now found the Southside YMCA to be even better. (They have an awesome childcare setup.) And their MMO hours are a little better too. :)
you look wonderful! gorgeous! hope that thing are normalizing...I know it's an intense few weeks! keep posting. I miss your news!
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