Last week I decided to get creative...I had some cheap "test" fabric hanging around the house and decided to put it to good use, to try my skills before investing in real fabric. So thanks to
Amy Claire, I decided to sew a few
fold-up crayon pouches to give as gifts; I then decided to sew a
fabric tree and a Christmas stocking. Both turned out really well, so well that I decided to go out and buy some "real" fabric. I'm going to make our stockings and a fleet of trees to decorate and give as gifts! I also decided to decorate a few burp rags for Janelle's baby shower gift...

Turned out well, I think. Too bad I don't have an embroidery machine (hint, hint, Ryan!).
Speaking of Janelle's baby shower, we posed for quite a few pictures of our pregnant selves but alas, all turned out to be pretty bad pictures. But here are a couple of them anyway...she's due in late December. We've come along way since college!

How many weeks are you now Emily? You barely look pregnant!!!
Yay! When did you get into sewing? Somehow I don't remember that as one of your hobbies.
You and Janelle look sooo cute!
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