Happy Birthday to me! I can't believe I'm 28...
We spent the week-end in Savannah, primarily because Ryan had a job interview yesterday (more on that later) but also because I wanted to spend my birthday with my family. We had a wonderful week-end - shopping, eating seafood, going to church, visiting old friends, etc. On Sunday (my actual birthday) my mom cooked a big lunch and my aunt brought a cake for me - my first cake in years! It was red velvet cake, my favorite. (Aside: learning to make red velvet cake from scratch is at the top of my list of culinary projects.) A few pictures from the week-end...
Charlie with my Uncle Hunter, my 10-year-old brother
A slightly blurry shot of my sister reading to Charlie and Tyson, my 17-month-old nephew (isn't he cute?:)) -

Ryan is now looking for "real" jobs, I can't believe it! It has been a long road (and it's not over yet - he doesn't actually finish until June '08) but the end is in sight. He spent yesterday at a practice in Savannah, hanging out at the hospital and getting a feel for the rhythm of the practice. There is a a lot of variety in pulmonary/critical care practices so this is going to be a big (and quite difficult) decision for us. Fortunately, he LOVED this practice so we are both relieved that we have at least one option on the horizon. In addition to this practice in Savannah, Ryan has also interviewed with a group here in Augusta and plans to interview in Greenville and Atlanta for sure, Charlotte and Columbia, SC are a "maybe" at this point.
Moving back to Savannah would be wonderful in many ways but also quite different from how I've always imagined our future. Having Charlie has made the possibility so much sweeter - he and Tyson are exactly 6 months apart and in addition to grandparents, Charlie will have a plethora of aunts, uncles and cousins to love and grow with. I never really thought we'd end up back there but Ryan admitted to me last night on the way home that he has always considered Savannah to be a real possibility. Time will tell...
Ahem. I baked you a birthday cake 2 years ago.
Happy Birthday! Congrats on the new jeans. You totally deserve them, and I'm glad you broke down and bought them.
I think every girl needs at least one pair of really nice denim.
happy birthday, emily! i can't believe it's "real job" time for ryan! i know you must be excited, especially if it involves savannah... by the way, there is a good (not intellectually stimulating, but entertaining in my opinion) christian chick lit book called "savannah from savannah" that you might like...if you ever have a free second!
OH I'm such a bad friend- I had remembered- then forgotten- it was your birthday. And I saw you on Sunday and could have wished you a Happy Birthday then! Well....Happy Birthday now. And I am definitely hoping that Savannah ends up as Ryan's "real" job. We would be thrilled to have you guys here. We've missed you guys!
Those pictures are wonderful.
Jill, i'm so sorry! you did bake me a cake a few years ago! what i should have said is that my mom has not had a party for me in years. you did bake me a yummy cake - confetti icing, i believe?
libs - i'm very excited and i can't really believe it. :) i will checkout that book you recommend.
marlo - you are not a bad friend and WE'D LOVE to live in the same town with you guys again!
That's ok.
I forgot to say that if you move back to Savannah, you can be President of WIC for your home church!
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