
New additions

Big news for this week is that Charlie is getting his first 2 teeth! It's the 2 bottom teeth...here is my attempt to capture it with my 2 year old digital camera with a 20-second delay. :)

Some miscellaneous things going on in the Moody household...

1 - Because of Charlie's Torticollis, it is really important for him to spend a significant amount of playtime on his tummy. But now that he can roll over, it is really difficult to keep him off his back. In fact, I think he learned to roll over because he hates being on his stomach. :) This picture shows me bribing him with a Praise Baby DVD and trapping him in the Boppy -

3 - This past week-end we had our friends Ryan and Megain over for dinner and took some pictures of our kiddies in their matching seersucker outfits (both were gifts from Ryan's mom).

Charlie cooperated with the photo shoot for a little while and then he was outta there!

4 - Tonight I get to go out for a rare few hours by myself. A friend is having a Southern Living at Home party and I am pumped about the free snacks. :)

5 - This week-end my sister, her husband and my nephew are coming into town. We're cooking steaks on the grill Friday night and going shopping on Saturday. I'm so exicted!

OK, I'm off to cook dinner...quiche is on the menu...


Libby said...

Hey Emily--Do you like the Praise Baby DVDs? Will doesn't like Baby Einstein, but maybe this one would be good... How's the treadmill working for you? Down the road I might have to invest in that too...at the moment I still can't run a mile. It's amazing what 18 months of inactivity does to you. Miss you!

WASPy Girl said...

Seersucker? Monogramming? Southern Living at Home Party? Quiche? That, my friend, is off-the-charts WASPy. Can't get over how much Charlie looks like Ryan in pic #2.

WASPy Girl said...

Oh, if you get a chance, write about the Southern Living party...I'm fascinated.

ejm said...

Jill, I didn't realize the extremely WASPy nature of my post until you pointed it out. But wow, you're right - very WASPy. But I do live in suburbia in GA so what more do you expect? I can hear the skepticism in your comment about the Southern Living at Home party and I can relate. I was very skeptical at first but really, the merchandise is quite nice and not what I expected. I expected a lot of doilies and lace but I found that the catalog actually looked more like a Pottery Barn magazine than pictures of my grandmother's attic. If you are still curious, check it out:
(WARNING: Homepage is very WASPy).

Libby, Charlie LOVES Praise Baby DVDs. He'd watch them non-stop if I'd let him. I highly recommend them.