I haven't written in awhile because, to be honest, I have nothing anything new to say...Charlie is still sick, still not napping, I'm still tired, etc. I'm not sure if this is a different bug or just getting worse but last week he got a chest cold. So he had to miss "school" and I had to miss my Friday morning Bible Study. Then we had to miss out on hanging out with friends over the week-end while we were in Savannah for Ryan to work and I had to miss church. You get the idea. He is still coughing and wheezing, in spite of having breathing treatments four times a day and a round of steroids. I'm starting to think that medicine doesn't help (no offense, honey! :)). So anyway, here were are in the midst of Week 4 of illness and yesterday was a bad day. A very bad day...Charlie slept hardly at all, cried most of the day, whined for me to hold him for long periods of time, etc. And my attitude left much to be desired, to be honest. So after crying a lot, receiving a loving lecture from Ryan :) and just doing some thinking, I decided that no matter how much rest I'm getting, I just need to get up a little earlier to get a head start on the day before Charlie wakes up in the morning. So today, I got up "early" (6:30 a.m. may seem late to some but not to this pregnant momma!), spent a few minutes reading and praying, ingested some caffeine and watched Today, got dressed in some lovely gym attire, brushed my teeth and when I got Charlie out of his crib, I felt much more ready for my day. It really is worth it to get up earlier than your family. I guess Proverbs does have a few good pointers! Anyone else out there come to this same conclusion?
Speaking of Proverbs...a few months ago, I started out on my own quest to discover what the Bible has to say about women and their roles and responsibilities. I really honestly can't stand the normal Christian "Woman" books (anything by Elizabeth Elliot being an exception). I have yet to read even one that I like or would recommend to others. For once, I wanted to know what the Bible says instead of reading what everyone else thinks the Bible is saying. I started with Proverbs 31 (of course) and haven't left yet. There is so much in this passage that I'm really taking my time and trying to apply it to my life right now. I highly recommend a slow reading of this chapter and Matthew Henry's Commentary on these few verses.
Speaking of Proverbs...a few months ago, I started out on my own quest to discover what the Bible has to say about women and their roles and responsibilities. I really honestly can't stand the normal Christian "Woman" books (anything by Elizabeth Elliot being an exception). I have yet to read even one that I like or would recommend to others. For once, I wanted to know what the Bible says instead of reading what everyone else thinks the Bible is saying. I started with Proverbs 31 (of course) and haven't left yet. There is so much in this passage that I'm really taking my time and trying to apply it to my life right now. I highly recommend a slow reading of this chapter and Matthew Henry's Commentary on these few verses.
In other news, this Thursday we have the big ultrasound, the one where the sex of the baby is revealed. Boy or girl, I'll be happy for either. I just want a healthy baby.
The picture...during a 48-hr respite from illness a week or so ago, Charlie enjoyed his first lolly pop at a friend's birthday party. Needless to say, he loved it!
We missed getting together with you all too! I'm sure we'll have plenty of other opportunities in the future....especially with ya'll moving to Sav. Pass along our congrats to Anna too, we just found out from Matt's mom she's expecting. Can't wait to find out the sex!! I'll be blog stalking until then....
Dittos on the Christian "woman" books. Remember Nancy Leigh DeMoss? She leads a study on this radio station I listen to on my way to work, and I think of you whenever I hear her.
I'm reading a good book called "Women and the Church." I forget the author, but I will pass it along to you. Honest and based in Scripture.
I don't exempt Elisabeth Elliot from criticism. I re-read "Let me be a woman" this summer. While full of wisdom (I memorized the chapter called "A Choice Is A Limitation", I was suprised by how few of her assertions were backed up by Scripture. I think one can only go SO FAR in making truth assertions about "the nature and roles of woman" based on the fact that woman was made out of Adam's rib.
Will send you an email re the above.
Not a Susan Hunt fan like your mother? hehe.
I agree on the getting up early thing. But in theory, not in practice. Hopefully one of these days I'll discipline myself like that.
I will be praying for you and Charlie. I can't believe he's still sick!
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