Dear Elliot,
Happy Birthday to you! I can't believe that you are ONE already...the time has passed so quickly (I heard it would, but I didn't imagine it would be quite this fast). Last year at this time we still lived in Augusta and were completely stressed out about selling our house. I was still working and Charlie was not yet two. We knew it was going to be a crazy few months but that didn't stop us from being so excited to meet you! We just couldn't wait for your arrival and we have adored you since the first moment we saw you. Anyway, you are a big boy now and you are definitely coming into your own. You love balls, trucks, cars, playing outside in the sandbox and anything that Charlie is doing or playing with at any given moment. You also love wrestling with your Daddy and Charlie. Whenever they are sitting on the floor or anywhere even remotely accessible to you, you just dive on them, laughing and screaming, over and over again. It is really precious to watch. Speaking of Charlie: you love him. I think he might even be your favorite person! Y'all play all day long and don't really know what to do without each other. Oh yes, you fight and get on each other's nerves but more than anything, you are best buddies and constant companions. If you are both awake, you are together. And I love that. You are a big-time climber. You can climb up our stairs, up the slide in the backyard, on top of the toy boxes in the playroom, and out of your highchair onto the table (!), among other things. You can say (or have said in the past): "Mamama," "Dadada," "ball," "Tyke," "hi," and "that." And you finally like to eat (whew!) but no baby food, thank-you-very-much. Only the real stuff for you. You love spaghettios, goldfish, fruity cheerios, carrots, bread, macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, french fries, peaches, broccoli casserole, crackers, bananas, yogurt, smoothies and, of all, things, the cauliflower soup I made earlier in the week. And now we can add cupcakes to the list, since you ate TWO of the ones I made for your birthday and then screamed for more.
You are adorably chubby but not tall. Not even on the growth charts, actually. We are going to try to figure out why but in the meantime, you are really cute (rather be short than ugly, I always say!). Everywhere we go, people talk to you, coo at you and tell me how adorable you are, with your blond hair (sorry about the bad bang trim, by the way; you can thank your Daddy for that) and big blue eyes. You actually look just like my Mom, "Bubbles." It's funny: you look more like her than any of her children! We think it's kinda eerie.
You are also starting to have a little bit of a temper. We think Big Brother Charlie may be helping with that. When you want something, you just grit your teeth and scream. Sometimes you even try to bite whatever or whoever is close by. We can't have that so in the next few months (years!) we'll be trying to help you deal with frustration. In the meantime, you will surely be keeping us on our toes.
We love you so very much, more than you can even know. And we are so thankful that God blessed us with you. We wouldn't know what to do without you and you were the perfect addition to our family. We are looking forward to watching you grow up and celebrating many more birthdays with you...just don't rush it, OK?
Love, Mommy
Happy Birthday to you! I can't believe that you are ONE already...the time has passed so quickly (I heard it would, but I didn't imagine it would be quite this fast). Last year at this time we still lived in Augusta and were completely stressed out about selling our house. I was still working and Charlie was not yet two. We knew it was going to be a crazy few months but that didn't stop us from being so excited to meet you! We just couldn't wait for your arrival and we have adored you since the first moment we saw you. Anyway, you are a big boy now and you are definitely coming into your own. You love balls, trucks, cars, playing outside in the sandbox and anything that Charlie is doing or playing with at any given moment. You also love wrestling with your Daddy and Charlie. Whenever they are sitting on the floor or anywhere even remotely accessible to you, you just dive on them, laughing and screaming, over and over again. It is really precious to watch. Speaking of Charlie: you love him. I think he might even be your favorite person! Y'all play all day long and don't really know what to do without each other. Oh yes, you fight and get on each other's nerves but more than anything, you are best buddies and constant companions. If you are both awake, you are together. And I love that. You are a big-time climber. You can climb up our stairs, up the slide in the backyard, on top of the toy boxes in the playroom, and out of your highchair onto the table (!), among other things. You can say (or have said in the past): "Mamama," "Dadada," "ball," "Tyke," "hi," and "that." And you finally like to eat (whew!) but no baby food, thank-you-very-much. Only the real stuff for you. You love spaghettios, goldfish, fruity cheerios, carrots, bread, macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, french fries, peaches, broccoli casserole, crackers, bananas, yogurt, smoothies and, of all, things, the cauliflower soup I made earlier in the week. And now we can add cupcakes to the list, since you ate TWO of the ones I made for your birthday and then screamed for more.
You are adorably chubby but not tall. Not even on the growth charts, actually. We are going to try to figure out why but in the meantime, you are really cute (rather be short than ugly, I always say!). Everywhere we go, people talk to you, coo at you and tell me how adorable you are, with your blond hair (sorry about the bad bang trim, by the way; you can thank your Daddy for that) and big blue eyes. You actually look just like my Mom, "Bubbles." It's funny: you look more like her than any of her children! We think it's kinda eerie.
You are also starting to have a little bit of a temper. We think Big Brother Charlie may be helping with that. When you want something, you just grit your teeth and scream. Sometimes you even try to bite whatever or whoever is close by. We can't have that so in the next few months (years!) we'll be trying to help you deal with frustration. In the meantime, you will surely be keeping us on our toes.
We love you so very much, more than you can even know. And we are so thankful that God blessed us with you. We wouldn't know what to do without you and you were the perfect addition to our family. We are looking forward to watching you grow up and celebrating many more birthdays with you...just don't rush it, OK?
Love, Mommy